Form Field Types

When you create a campaign you can build a fully customizable form for your users to fill in. Your form can contain multiple form fields with different types of inputs.


A small input where users can freely enter text.

You can optionally set a max character limit. When the user hits the character limit they are blocked from entering more text.

Text Area

A larger input where users can freely enter text.

You can optionally set a max character limit, or a max word count. When the user hits the character limit or the word count they are blocked from entering more text.

The number of rows can be used to modify how tall the textarea input appears in the front end embed. The default is 6, and the minimum is 1.


A small input where users can enter text. If the text entered is not a valid email address format, the user will be blocked from entering.


A dropdown where users can select one option of many.

When you add or edit a Select form field, click "Add Option" to add more options, or click the remove button (-) to remove options. At least one option is required.


These are an alternative to Selects, in a classic radio button style

When you add or edit a Radio form field, click "Add Option" to add more options, or click the remove button (-) to remove options. At least one option is required. You can also add an image to each of these options, however this is not required.


A checkbox users can tick.

If you set a checkbox form field as required, the user will be blocked from submitting the form if the checkbox is unticked.

ZIP Code

A small input where users can enter text. If the text entered is not a valid ZIP Code format, the user will be blocked from entering.


A small input where users can enter text. If the text entered is not a valid phone number format, the user will be blocked from entering.


A small input where users can enter text. If the text entered is not a valid URL, the user will be blocked from entering.

U.S. State Select

A dropdown where users can select a U.S. State.

You can choose one of two lists for users to select from:

  1. All States - includes all 50 U.S. States plus the District of Columbia,
  2. Contiguous States - the 48 contiguous U.S. States plus the District of Columbia. Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.


An invisible CAPTCHA test that is run just before submission, in order to help block automated software from entering. The most suspicious traffic may need to solve a simple and accessible challenge in order to proceed.

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